Let the floodgates open and let’s have a real discussion. In a perfect world, we’ll all listen to each others ideas, concerns and we’ll consider everything. The very idea of gun control leaves people so divided, it’s as if rational conversation about it isn’t even possible. It reminds me of the vaccination issue. No one will agree on anything before it devolves into name calling. Well, Here’s my idea:
The idea of eliminating reverse compatibility of ammo COULD be met with all sorts of enmity… OR we could have a real discussion about it. I am not for disarming the population. That is every tyrant’s first step before clamping down. I am also not in favor of undocumented weapons flooding the streets.
Just like you need a license to drive, you need to have a license to shoot, and what you shoot needs to be documented. Americans have lost the trust factor in the eyes of their children. Trust is being violated every day by people who shoot indiscriminately. My opinion is that we’ve reached the point where use of a firearm has to be monitored for MISUSE. Target practice, hunting, protection? Fine. Robbery, assault, murder? It will be easier to find suspects. That’s my suggestion. I welcome any dissenting opinions. This generation is not likely to change a damn thing, but my hope is that these same endangered youth will pick up the ball and run with it. Time will tell.